united kingdom (uk)... first time to uk is after the world jamboree in holland, was staying in freind house. this is the place where the europe tour with kontiki starts. after the short 9 days europe tour, we are back to this starting point. stayed in london, do some sight seeing & also visited the gilwell park, wanted to go to brownsea island but due to forest fire, we are not able to visit the island.
the 2nd time i am there was in sept 2001, stayed in london down for a day before heading to gilwell park for gilwell reunion with my friend that i met during my first visit gilwell park 1995. he is a 70 plus scout leader. at the gilwell reunion campfire nite, i suppose to meet a special person during that nite, bp's daugther betty clay suppose to come for the campfire but i unfortunately she is not able to do so end up i met with bp's grand daugther gill clay. great.
scouts, if u know campfire tradition is suppose to keep some ashes from this campfire & bring it to the next campfire & sprinkle some ashes onto it & then at the end campfire keep some ashes again & carry forward to the next one..... do you know that ?????? well, just to let u all know, i keep some of the ashes until now from the gilwell reunion 2001 campfire
remember clearly that the day i touched down kl is the day 9/11 where world trade center in ny gone with the plane.
july 2007 will be my another trip to uk for the 100th years of scouting & 21st world scout jamboree.

indonesia... first time to indonesia was actually last year i think. indonesia as in batam island from singapore for a tour trip & tour. yeah. not bad for the starts, waiting to go jakarta. simon, mei yee & cynthia have been staying in singapore for so long & is their first to batam island.......

italy... remember that part of the europe tour covered in italy was venice. yeah, nice place, what there have there....... water, gondola, bird shit, pick pocket, expensive place. pizza. never go to rome.
the 2nd time was there with cookie(cynthia) in 2001, this time i was in rome, florence, pisa.. the musuem, the pisa tower, the vatican city and scout shop. i remember well this scout shop give me some problem to find it because shifted and i don;t speak italian, looking high and low and after spending half a day, at last managed to find the scout shop which is really out of the way.. almost give up.

japan... with 16 seniors scouts & 2 leaders, we head for 12th nippon national jamboree in akita, north of tokyo about 550km. via osaka then tokyo with all nippon airways. me with another leader was upgraded by the group staff to business class from kl to osaka. good enough arleady. yeah. spend a day tour in osaka then off to tokyo. hosted by japanese family for home hospitality program before to akita for jamboree.

the picture shown is day trip to disneyland tokyo (l-r)john goh, steven wong, tracy, chim ts(this is big chim), myself, michelle & jun joy
after jamboree stayed in tokyo youth center for a day before heading home to kl, total spend about 14 days in tokyo for my first trip.
was in japan tokyo again in year 2001 with cookie, this time is on our own and spend a week there. visited my friend joseph who posted there for temporary work assignment, do some sightseeing, visit the toyota showroom, i think in yokohama, visited the japanese family hosted me for home hospitality during my first trip with the scouts. infact we put up a night again. thank you mr mayumi.

jordan... 1995 world scout jamboree was held in holland, to save some cost on the airfare & at that time the cheapest airfare we can get is by royal jordanian, no choice lor, take lor, what to do, "ghost asked you to be poor ah, stand up for it lor". what do you expect, everything in from kl to amsterdam via jordan and from london back to kl via jordan again for only rm1800. in-expensive leh.
transit in jordan for 6 hours with karyew, jeff & myself, put us in a hotel for 6 hours, what can u do there... nothing, eat, sleep & took some photos. nothing u can see from the hotel, near to airport, only sands & waited for the next connecting flight to amsterdam.

netherlands... as i mentioned that the 1995 world jamboree held in netherlands, spend about total of 20 days in holland, in amsterdam city, with erik bekker & magda, jamboree before we depart to other part of europe. first time to europe & impress with all the infra. basically we are there for the jamboree and about 9 of us attended the jamboree..
2005 after ten years, i was in amsterdam again with cookie. this time even thou is short stayed but manage to do some sightseeing esp looking at the actual windmild(infact i never see a real windmild in 1995) and meet up with erik bekker and the family, this time with 2 more twins, their son & daugther.

tom & milou. great

new zealand... went to auckland for a few days with cookie, captain of the flight was simon and senior fo was joe. with all jokers around, really have fun. we visited our friend plus classmate joon & lee poh too. landed in auckland airport & i was being stopped by the police at the custom. asked this asked that, asked me if i have taste drugs before, i replied no & mentioned that death penalty in malaysia & life prison. no way. pai sei, let the crews waited just for me. sorry about that, blamed the police. later found out that 2 weeks before i landed in auckland, some malaysian brought in estacy pills, tones of it. see la, malaysian boleh.... really boleh. good lah, goto jail.
continue in travelling here & there (part three)...................