Wednesday, September 24, 2008

continue from templer's park ..... hornet & me (5)

continue from the photos action, i think is better la. this photos will show you until the fire rescue unit come into the sense where they are thinking of stretcher me out. but the paramedic say may be to helicopter me out from the jungle.

it is learn that commonwealth park have an incident that a student fall from waterfall, really need to helicopter the patient out.

continue from the templer's park :

after the paramedic give me a drip, now it is time to wait for the fire rescue team to come for the help. while calling the fire rescue team, the paramedic still may insist the heli to be here for the assist.

next i will show some picture of me be stretcher out by the fire rescue operation team unit.

till then.......part 6 is coming.

continue from templer's park ..... hornet & me (4)

i will show the photos of the process before the fire rescue team come in to stretcher me out.
i think the photos speak thousand words from now:

at this point of time, my 2 other scout buddies are here too. there are tuck loong & dato sim( his nick name), both of them & jeff have some same common interest, that is they have go thru many times HORNET sting experience before. big or small HORNET case also they have gone thru. but i don't think they see such serious HORNET case before kuah.

u got to ask them urself. tuck loong i think looking at the sky for praying kuah. hehe, then dato sim refresh his fisrt aid kuah.

u look at the way dato sim kk smile and his laughter. may be he think that he passed his advance hornet rescue course.

continue from templer's park ..... hornet & me (3)

it was then the unexpected that i heard paramedic is here for the rescue. at the same time the fire rescue department team also on the way for the rescue.

when i first saw the paramedic, thank god and they are here after walking 30 minutes into the jungle and with all the neccessary equipement for the rescue. 2 of them, with big carry bags.

they access my situation and because it noon time, the sun is right on top of me and they shift me for another 10 meters for shady place. i was asked if i have difficulty in breathing, asthma(it will be different situation if i am asthmatic)

the medic starts to give me drip but guess what, they cannot find my blood vain. because my hands are swollen by then, i remember the medic "poke" a few times on my right hand to find the vain. i am not really in pain as i guess i am half fainted and dissy at that time.

at last they found the blood vain on my left hand & starts give me a drip, also one of the so call anti-dose kuah (i cannot remember the name), then i remember jeff at the same time was asking the paramedic is they any medicine for prevention for Hornet sting. yes, there is. i will let you know later.

continue from templer's park ..... hornet & me (2)

then i heard someone was nearby and is was 3 germans if i remember correctly that either my wife or maggie brought them back for help. it is at this point the stretcher is ready and i will be strecher out.

u want to know about this strectcher, ask jeff. this temporary stretcher can take the weight of 90kg. yes, i am 90kg. is a good stretcher.

after some suggestions from the germans who are here on business trip & i guess is their only off day,( they are there to make a short visit to the waterfall), they want to call emergency rescue, they want to called for mandarin oriental hotel doctor to be there, call for helicopter for rescue......alamak....... somehow, i managed to crawl up to the stretcher( i know, those who not trained in 1st aid, u dare not to move the patient) i understand and i will not blame anyone.
jeff somehow managed to convienced the 3 germans to carry me out by stretcher that he constructed while waiting for the rescue. it is at this point also jeff managed to called datuk sim(nick name) to the rescue.

after stretcher me for 150m, i think they fell exhausted & take a rest. i am not sure where these germans go after that but i would like to say thank you to the unknown germans. then i know another group passby, there is a foreign doctor, then jeff was asking his advice and opinion. i can be given more water to drink, i am stable. but i still not able to walk.

the photo here shown is not to make jokes or playing fool of it, it is my encounter, my lucky encounter that i want to share with all for future prevention and not to take things & jungle likely when you go for camp or outing. be prepared...

i do not know how long we waited, but it was until 2 angel come to the rescue..... is the paramedic from hospital selayang.

continue from templer's park ..... hornet & me (1)

continue from the templer's park. i told you something happend to me.....

yes, never expect it and it happen to me. while i am cleaning my shirt. i saw nothing on the outside of my t-shirt and i put my t-shirt on. it is this sudden moment i feel a deep sharp pain on my shoulder arm..... i quickly take out my shirt and grab the point that i feel the pain & i know some small insect is on my hand...... ( ya ya ya, small insect my foot).

opened up closely, i think is HORNET, and yes, is HORNET and is not BEE( what is the different between HORNET & BEE? you tell me). i told my buddy jeff & he said, "mmm hai kuah, why u never strike toto 20 million". then double confirmed with him and is a HORNET, & confirmed i have one stung by this small little HORNET.

next question is a million question........... am i allergy to HORNET?? deng deng deng deng, i don't know and my wife also don't know & not even my buddy jeff. my reaction is still calm and i still feel ok. we are puttin on our shoe and ready to go out from the waterfall as soon as possible and not knowing what will happen next to me.... it is this time, the reaction started, the rash all rushing out on my legs, my body, my hands, my face (like a pig face & pig mouth, u can imagine that).

jeff warned me that this is the symptoms and u might be fainted or black out anytime, make sure i must informed him if i have this sign. i was holding a walking stick and i am walking out from the waterfall. crossed the first bridge of the waterfall then walk anohter 300 meter there is why the sign of dissy/want to faint / might black out soon. i informed jeff and he asked me if i can walk further, i said no. no no no no no.

in the dissy situation, jeff instructed my wife cynthia & maggie to continues walking and ask for help and when phone have signal, call for emergency rescue. jeff was left with me with no one around anymore and he starts asking me, am i ok. just dissy or am i suffering breathing difficulty ?? i told him i am dissy & i am "boh lat", stomach upset, feel like vomitting bla bla bla...

while waiting for help, he was searching for wood/bamboo & will try make a stretcher & when enough manpower, they will try stretcher me out. it is this time i feel like i want to pass motion, alamak, of this time, really cannot tahan, i guess is the reaction from the poison. this might be the medical term called ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION

i walk to the bushes and i make business, big and small business. very fast i remember. i thought i will be better, but infact is worse, i cannot even stand up and also i am all along holding a small tree to support me. i try standing up but all i can remember by then is i think i fainted for a short while, may be i am in shock.

i do not know how long i fainted, but i guess is just a short period of time. feeling more dissy and i crawled back to the main path and wait for help and jeff to be back( at this moment, jeff was looking for bamboo/wood for making the temporary stretcher and also looking for mobile phone signal)

and at this point i stop, do you think i am kidding ?no, i am not. sorry i do not have any of the initial photo to show you my encounter the minute i feel dissy, but i have the rest of the photo with me.

i will continue for part 2 of my story...... just to let you all know that in the waterfall area, no mobile signal. please remember this............

jungle walk in templer's park with my wife & buddy

last sunday (21/9/2008) planned for a jungle walk with my wife & also jeff ( my buddy & the wife maggie). we started of our journey at 815am by going for a light breakfast & heading to templer's park. (do you scouts know where is templer's park?)

we used the LDP and heading to kepong FRIM then we stop by bukit langgong to take a look. (kei poh), after that we continue our journey. we saw many development over the years along the main road going to templer's park & rawang ( i thought templer's park is a forest reserve area, where is the policy?)

after we parked our car, we starts our slow walk into the templer's park. the 1st so called obstacle was the long walk up the hill before we reach the swimming pool. while we reached the swimming pool, there are 4 senior adult was having a dip in the pool, after saying hello to them, we continue with the sign heading to the waterfall. walking into the waterfall will need 30 to 40 mins. not very long and not very short. just nice.

very quite sunday as i guess is puasa month and not many people visiting the park. to cut the story short. when we reached the waterfall after the slow walk. good to be feel like home after so many years i never come in to the waterfall.

we were busy taking photos and also planned to have a cold dip into the water before we go home. nice and cold. after having a nice dip into the water & we want to head home for lunch & continue with our outing in PJ. THEN ....................................

something happend to me................... guess what ???

Friday, September 19, 2008

who is the first chief minister of penang ???

do you know who is the first chief minister of penang ?

if you do not know, he is the late Tan Sri Datuk Wong Pow Nee.

why i want to blog about him, check it out the below link.

if you happen to visit penang, please visit the gallery

interview with peter wong

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

when can i see this again........

i just search thru my notebook and found some old scout photos.

i wonder when will i see this again. the very old tradition scout flag ceremony.

yes, scout do practice flag ceremony every meeting.with the school flag pole already there.

but this photo show you the flag pole is built by scout with mayb bamboo, bakau wood or scout staff/stave.

view it yourself, these scouts are from chung ling penang.