course for asst. leader trainer @kuala pilah
last weekend, travel to kuala pilah rakan muda complex to take a look of the on going 26th course for asst leader trainer (calt).
met some friends there and also catch up with some of the trainers there.
met my "chou lai" mr chee yong seng, assistant state commissioner (training). why "chou lai" because we both having the same surname, same is chinese character and same dialect.
yeah, mr chee yong seng has been inthe movement for 58 years and still in the movement.
met some friends there and also catch up with some of the trainers there.
met my "chou lai" mr chee yong seng, assistant state commissioner (training). why "chou lai" because we both having the same surname, same is chinese character and same dialect.
yeah, mr chee yong seng has been inthe movement for 58 years and still in the movement.